How The DotComSecrets Book Changed My Life In 2016

Me with my DotComSecrets book!

Let me tell you a quick story about how I spent the first five months of 2016 going to depression counseling and how a single book helped turn things around…

It had been about a year and a half since I decided to go to work for myself full time and build my web development and design business…

I had a few great clients, and in 2015 it seemed I was heading in the right direction and I was making pretty good money…

However, I was struggling to maintain so many projects to keep the bills paid…

I had previously sworn to myself that I would never again put all my eggs in one basket after being let go from a good paying job in 2009…

But now I was spread too thin, and I just wasn’t able to keep up…

I was trying different things including starting this blog to build my email list and generate recurring revenues (more on that in a minute)…

As things started becoming too much for me, I started getting more and more depressed and scared I just couldn’t cut it as an entrepreneur…

I wasn’t a pleasant person to be around at home, and that’s when my wife suggested I get some counseling…

So, at the end of December 2015, I signed up for counseling sessions…

As I began counseling to battle my depression, it seemed that everything around me was crumbling…

Money appeared to dry up, and I was bringing in about half the monthly income I was making in 2015…

The Bottom Fell Out

Then in February 2016 something awful happened: a good paying client told me they couldn’t use my services any longer because their spouse just lost a job…

I had been in hopes of a big project with this client, and without that money coming in, I was barely making it…

Which meant I couldn’t keep the bills paid and I might not have enough money to give my two older kids, who were both born in April, good birthdays…

As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn’t ready to give up on my dream of bringing in enough income to be financially free and take care of my family…

I Rediscovered DotComSecrets

In spite of the hard times, I was making positive progress with my counseling and learning ways to take control of my life…

I also re-read a powerful marketing book called DotComSecrets by Russell Brunson…

I had gotten it for free back in 2015, and when I read it back then I knew I needed to apply the concepts to my business, but I thought I was ok because things were going well…

But, because I was in so much pain at this point, as I started reading DotComSecrets again, the concepts clicked in my mind, and I began embracing them…

So, at my lowest point financially in April 2016, I did a couple of crazy things…

I signed up for a $97 / month web page builder called ClickFunnels, which is another product from Russell Brunson…

I also invested $297 into another ClickFunnels related software…

My wife thought I was stupid and wasn’t very happy that I was spending money we didn’t have…

The Turning Point

But, in May of 2016 something happened that changed everything…

I made $475 in affiliate commissions because of a simple blog post review for a ClickFunnels product I had paid $297 for the month before…

I also discovered what I REALLY wanted to do…

Build marketing and sales funnels using ClickFunnels…

What The DotComSecrets Book Did For Me

Because of re-reading the DotComSecrets book, I was inspired to:

Now, I’m SO CLOSE To Living My Dream

I’m bringing in enough income to take care of my family…

I’ve gotten my time back…

And my wife is glad I took the risk…

2017 is looking very cash flow positive for me as I’m only $1,776 away from meeting my new financial goal of $8k a month…

So, if you wonder why I’m so passionate about the DotComSecrets book, it’s because it has made a seriously positive impact on my life…

I also truly believe ClickFunnels can help any business, but, I first recommend all business owners read DotComSecrets because it lays out the strategy you need to make ClickFunnels work…

The cool thing is that Russell is still giving it away for free…

Read DotComSecrets For Free

If you’re ready to get started with ClickFunnels then visit here for a 14-day free trial:

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial To ClickFunnels

Wrapping It Up

I hope that my story inspires someone who might be in a similar situation…

I don’t make any promises that reading DotComSecrets will change your life like it did for me…

But, if you do read the book and implement the strategies for your business, I do know there will be change…

Whatever you decide to do, go all in, take a risk and don’t ever give up…

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